Thursday 12 September 2013

What is Listen cannabis, still operating?

At a time when the Minister of Health launches health plan for young people, it is worth remembering that in terms of cannabis addiction, a major campaign of prevention and information had been established with the following:
Listen Cannabis: 0811 91 20 20 - 8h/20h - cost of a local call
The site cannabis and driving
Promoting cannabis consultations in hospitals and clinics approved. Since then, no new official data on the use of cannabis in France.
Recall, however, that cannabis is carcinogenic and it contains more harmful substances than tobacco. While some think it is not a lever drug "harder" like heroin or cocaine consumption remains controversial. Intoxication, to hear better music, euphoria ... such effects are seen after smoking a joint, but to varying degrees and sometimes not at all.
The real danger, often ignored by teenagers is the effects of cannabis on the psyche. Consumed regularly and on time, cannabis can lead to lower overall motivation. The substance simulates the "feeling of reward" in the brain: the teenager who smoke often does need to learn his lessons, play sports or talk with friends to feel good. Cannabis may cause a withdrawal, and a vicious circle of dependence in 10% of situations. In this case, a psychiatric care is needed.
Finally, there is also the famous "Bad Trip" or acute intoxication. These tremors, vomiting, and cold sweats are signs of excessive consumption of product. However, no link with an overdose! There is no case (listed) death by cannabis.


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