Saturday 7 September 2013

Healthy Good restaurant menu choices!

Here is the menu choices at the restaurant. To reduce the problems of small strain , you will focus on dishes rich in fiber , vitamins , iron and starch : - Inputs based salad: sliced ​​mushrooms and nuts and salad; - Dishes with starchy accompaniments: a pad rump or fried veal liver with boiled potatoes with parsley; - Dessert fruit cooked or raw: assorted citrus slices, salad, fresh fruit, baked apple, a fruit tart, prunes in red wine Okay for the fruit tart ... but provided it is not a lemon tart (very creamy) or a tart tatin (ultra-sweet) especially since they are often accompanied by meringue or whipped cream .. . mmmmh! What is certain is that after a lunch like that, you do not risk a sudden drop of 15.00. It is everything you need: fiber , carbohydrates, protein, a
little fat . After that it should just be able to resist or even ignore some quips jealous colleagues who order steackfritesaignantsauceaupoivre ... But the game is really worth it, since the end of the day will be more satisfactory than the digestion fluid is!


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