Thursday, 12 September 2013

Return to sport,What to do First day?

Every day, find a board, using a small boost to resume regular physical activity , and increase the energy of your body.

This day is an opportunity for muscle toning, history regain consciousness with his body, and start the week smoothly.

Start by installing standing before a mirror, open the feet shoulder width apart. By opening his arms wide to the top of the head, inspire strong. Inflate your lungs and pull the arm as high as possible. Then release all the muscles of the arms while exhaling loudly.
Repeat this as many times as you want at any hour of the day. This little breathing exercise restores energy to the body and relaxes the muscles of the back and arms.

And in the same way, but this time lying on the floor, knees together on the chest, inhale pushing the feet toward the ceiling. And release the legs folded on the chest while breathing.

These two exercises are designed to take body awareness and increase lung activity.
These exercises also serve to identify the body part that would need to be worked on. Difficulty opening his arms wide on the sides? It may be necessary to strengthen the back. Difficult to stretch the legs? It may be stiff legs and yoga or stretching would do the most good.


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