Sunday, 8 September 2013

Benefits of strong fiber Foods!

The best allies of transit, are of course the fiber ! These are plant molecules that the body can not digest, but slipping in the intestines, taking the rest on their path, and thus accelerating the transit . Nutritionists recommend a contribution of between 25 and 30 g of fiber per day. An amount not always easy to achieve, as 100 grams of vegetable greens not bring that 4-6 g. Fortunately, there are plenty of other ways to get fiber, and email of the day sent by the program Activia gave me lots of ideas for the caddy this week:
- A small handful of almonds (20 grams) is about 3 grams of fiber; - A handful of dried apricots (20 grams) is more than 2.5 grams of fiber; - An apple is 2 grams of fiber; A plate of white beans side dish (100 grams) provides 8 grams of fiber ... So to wake up a lazy transit and improve your digestive comfort, consider the fiber! The folder " Eat Fiber ! " , you'll find plenty of other tricks to add these essential foods to your menus!


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