Friday 13 September 2013

Best pregnancy advice,Baby blues and if it was hypothyroidism?

Fatigue, weight gain, dark thoughts ... One in ten women would be affected by hypothyroidism after pregnancy. But this disease is rarely detected as often misconceived as "baby blues".
The baby blues are. A little anxiety, sadness or fatigue that occur three to ten days after the pregnancy and disappear as rapidly nothing abnormal. 30 to 80% of young mothers are concerned. But if this state of depression continues, if accompanied by weight gain and severe fatigue: it is perhaps hypothyroidism. It concerns 10-20% of women after pregnancy while only 1% are detected.
During pregnancy, the defense system of the body is very tolerant. He must leave the fetus - which is a foreign body in the mother's body - develop, without attacking. But after giving birth, there is often a rebound of immunity. That is to say that the immune system can have violent reactions for no apparent reason. In this case, women with a predisposition to thyroid disease are at risk of seeing their defense system spontaneously rebel against their thyroid gland is hypothyroidism. As a result, they attacked gland can not produce enough thyroid hormone. Molecules which are essential to life: they regulate many bodily functions such as digestion, heart rate, weight, the nervous system ...
Nine times out of ten, hypothyroidism cures itself after 3 to 4 months. This is also why it is not detected or it will just be a bad memory after pregnancy. But it could cause damage in the young mother. It will take more time, for example to find his line and his cardiovascular system may be affected.
However, if hypothyroidism is well cared for, all these hassles that complicate the role of new mother can be avoided. The disease is easily detected through a blood test, and treatment consists of taking thyroid hormones for about 6 to 8 months. This hormonal treatment poses no danger to the breast-fed baby, hormones are given to natural doses and do not affect in any way in its development.
More rarely, hypothyroidism after delivery lasts a lifetime. In this case, the hormones are to take on the long term and allow the mother to lead a normal life without risk for heart or overweight.

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