Friday 13 September 2013

Running,jogging,Train on the net best tips

To continue in the running, try training on the net. You may be more familiar Nike. The famous sports brand associated with Ipod Macintosh to monitor its foot races and share their progress among the community 'Nike + iPod'.
Only hinders the price! It should already have an iPod. Then a pair of Nike Plus, where you can insert a small chip adaptable to Ipod ... also pay. Result of the operation: 300 euros minimum.
To improve your results and be part of a community of runners, you can also log on Jiwok . A website created by two sports enthusiasts and in partnership with Jogging International, CREPS Montpelier and Polar (watches calculating the heart rate). Their goal: to provide training for beginners to advance riders, but also regular and confirmed. All this for free!
The principle is simple. Just have a mp3 player of any brand. Then, depending on
the level and purpose, the rider can download workouts adapted and transferred to the reader. Shoes laced and motivation at the top, he goes running to the sound of Jiwok session. In the ears of the standard house or techno and voice coach of music to tell when to speed up, slow down, stay the course ... In short, an additional motivation.
Then it is possible to record the sessions that will be listed on the statistical tables.

What is Microkinesitherapy?between psychology and physiotherapy

The Microkinesitherapy is an amazing technique of micro-palpation of the body, provided by a specially trained physiotherapist. For 40 minutes, a specialist support with both hands on points throughout the body, on the interconnected areas.

Abandonment, transfer, death ... According to these practitioners, when life events are poorly lived, they affect the body. They can then create all kinds of chronic diseases such as back pain, allergies or depression.
Feeling in his fingers a bad vibration in certain tissues, microkinésithérapeute can explain the origin of the pain, and the date - almost to the year - at which the event occurred.
Here is the "scientific" explanation of the inventors of the technique: the body is derived from a single cell after fertilization. By dividing billions of times, the egg gives rise to various tissues of the body. And nerve
cells, receiving of information is closely related with the muscles, for example, having been born in the same part of the egg. Finally, the founders state that the origin of back pain is very different from one person to another. Often, just talking to the body corrects himself, and that pain to go away.
It is on these bases of embryonic biology and psychology that created the micro-physical therapy 20 years ago. Since then, over 5000 physiotherapists practicing the method throughout France. Victims of their success, the appointments are taken two months in advance.
This method is not recognized by the Board of the College of Physicians, or by Medicare.

Best pregnancy advice,Baby blues and if it was hypothyroidism?

Fatigue, weight gain, dark thoughts ... One in ten women would be affected by hypothyroidism after pregnancy. But this disease is rarely detected as often misconceived as "baby blues".
The baby blues are. A little anxiety, sadness or fatigue that occur three to ten days after the pregnancy and disappear as rapidly nothing abnormal. 30 to 80% of young mothers are concerned. But if this state of depression continues, if accompanied by weight gain and severe fatigue: it is perhaps hypothyroidism. It concerns 10-20% of women after pregnancy while only 1% are detected.
During pregnancy, the defense system of the body is very tolerant. He must leave the fetus - which is a foreign body in the mother's body - develop, without attacking. But after giving birth, there is often a rebound of immunity. That is to say that the immune system can have violent reactions for no apparent reason. In this case, women with a predisposition to thyroid disease are at risk of seeing their defense system spontaneously rebel against their thyroid gland is hypothyroidism. As a result, they attacked gland can not produce enough thyroid hormone. Molecules which are essential to life: they regulate many bodily functions such as digestion, heart rate, weight, the nervous system ...
Nine times out of ten, hypothyroidism cures itself after 3 to 4 months. This is also why it is not detected or it will just be a bad memory after pregnancy. But it could cause damage in the young mother. It will take more time, for example to find his line and his cardiovascular system may be affected.
However, if hypothyroidism is well cared for, all these hassles that complicate the role of new mother can be avoided. The disease is easily detected through a blood test, and treatment consists of taking thyroid hormones for about 6 to 8 months. This hormonal treatment poses no danger to the breast-fed baby, hormones are given to natural doses and do not affect in any way in its development.
More rarely, hypothyroidism after delivery lasts a lifetime. In this case, the hormones are to take on the long term and allow the mother to lead a normal life without risk for heart or overweight.

How to weight loss by prefer light Dinner!

If there is no scientific evidence to prove that eating late at night promotes weight gain, doctors and patients realize from experience.

If calorie intake is the same for a person dining sooner or later, there should be no difference between them. Yet the night eaters tend to eat more. As they rajoutaient mini meal in dinner, a sort of fourth meal.

Also, eat a big meal just before bedtime raises the levels of triglycerides in the blood for some time. And high triglyceride levels are associated with the metabolic syndrome or insulin resistance, themselves associated with weight gain.

It could be that the evening meals are more easily stored because m
uscle cells are not stressed during sleep. They can not burn the energy consumed and the body therefore has no choice but to store these calories for later.

Anti-cellulite cream, must be good!

Already after 6 days I feel discouraged tapping me! Early last week I made the bet to apply an anti-cellulite cream for 28 days without fail. And that is ultimately more difficult than I thought. That has been in this case? A forget to spread immediately after the shower to get ready to leave for the day's work and having to undress quickly to carry out the sacred daily massage?

Olala, what a pain! Although the act does not take much time, and the cream is quite easy to apply, there is this feeling of "why bother", hoping that no one enters the bathroom unexpectedly and surprise my strong wind the cream bottom to top. What could I answer "? Bah what you do" ...

Unable to explain is professional secret! If some
one is in my case, do not hesitate to post some comments of encouragement, I feel less alone!

For more motivated, here an expert for a good anti-cellulite massage video.

How to Slim with a simple exercise?

Here's a good exercise that uses deep adductor muscles (inner thighs) and glutes.
• -           Lying on the floor, his hands along the body, palms facing the ceiling. Feet together, heels on the ground, near the buttocks;
• -           Without relying hands, raise the pelvis slightly towards the ceiling. Without lifting the upper back. It is a movement of small amplitude, where the iliac spines simply coast is closer;
• -           Keeping up the pelvis, knees tighten up. As if you had a ball in between, and you want to overwrite it;
• -           You will feel a contraction in the inner thighs and at the glutes. Stay as long as possible, until the thighs or buttocks begin to tremble.
• -           Take a break for 30 seconds and try again!

Also remember to drink all day (a big bottle) is the best way to remove toxins and cleanse the muscles that are working.

How to get fit with the vibrating plate?

It is not site name, but I tested yesterday the famous big black vibrating plate, great design, and super expensive too! (25 € for 30 minutes in my neighborhood!)
During the test session, it comes dressed in sportswear, just to get in condition. Then, after a brief scientific-technical explanation of the process, we installed a coach standing on the machine, knees slightly bent, hands clinging to the bars not to fall. And poof, it's gone for 3 minutes vibration!
Printing: no really! At least for the beginning.
And throughout the 20-minute session, the coach changed my position to raise my chest like doing abdominal buttocks on the plate, then as to pump hands on the machine ... every time, must be 3 minutes in position by the time the machine stops vibrating.
Review of session: I remain very doubtful!
The fitness trainer that I did not really feel any muscle or heart feeling ... The coach was interested in four different clients at the same time, so it does not really come correct me when my position deteriorated during vibration.

Moreover, there is no evidence that these intense vibrations increase muscle strength. They just make the muscle to contract at the time, but nobody has been able to demonstrate an increase in muscle mass following sessions vibrating plates.
Finally, no heat has been proposed and a sudden one, the joints of the knees and elbows are biased at high speed. There is still a significant risk of osteoarthritis in the long term!
A free trial session was really nice! But losing weight through the vibrating plate, I do not really believe ... except perhaps a thinning bank account.

Thursday 12 September 2013

is cosmetic surgery goog to increase breast size?

Operations cosmetic surgery to increase breast size is still on the rise in France, it is my duty to share the best available technology rather than hiding my head in the sand facing this problem physical well-being!
For those who are tired of too flat chest, know that studies have shown that one could fill his breast with his own fat. Doctors were able to find a natural solution to almost a technique normally so delicate.

After removal of fat in the thighs or buttocks of the patient (such as a mini- liposuction finally), the surgeon performs a cleansing of the fat and then re injected into the breast to increase its volume. This is what is called an auto-graft. No more worries of rejection, displacement prosthesis, silicone leakage ... The organization recognizes that fat as part of the body!

But before the excitement of the women in this technique, the French Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery published a recommendation. According to them, the data are not yet sufficient for auto-grafts in the breast area and the safety of the long-term operation is not proven.

Only a few surgeons have so far allowed to practice this technique in the framework of study protocols to demonstrate the validity of this technique. And in a few years perhaps, her breasts swell with fat thighs will be commonplace.

To find a surgeon in your area, or learn more about this method, find out about the National Union of cosmetic surgery website in France.

Which Diet is best,Diet with or without protein?

With the approach of spring and the arrival of the first spring-summer collections in the windows, many people are ahead of the famous " Plan of Spring ".
Going to change my bracelet sports watch in a specialty store, no less than three customers crowded around a vendor advocating the protein to lose weight fast and beautifully. The time to choose a color and handling, he had packed two, who went to checkout with their bucket of powder mix ...
Proteins do they lose weight? No! It is said.
Explanation: The body absorbs between 0.8 g and 1.3 g of protein per kg of body weight every day (or for a person weighing 60 kg needs about 70 grams of protein per day). These molecules from plant and animal foods ( milk , meat , soy , lentils ...) help to build muscles and renew daily. Beyond 1.5 g per kg of body weight, these too abundant proteins are eliminated by the kidneys.
When a sport requiring high intensity and a large muscle mass ( rugby , judo , weight ...), the body needs more dietary protein to maintain its muscles. This is why bodybuilders and boxers swallow protein in addition to their daily meals, to help the body maintain muscle mass.

But whatever happens, needs rarely exceed 2g/kg body weight.
However, for a normally active person, proteins from a balanced diet sufficient to maintain muscle, even during a diet less than 1400 kcal / day. With two yoghurt, 200 g chicken or fish , and whole grains every day, the daily portion is reached. Drinking protein than other meals that would overload the kidneys and increase the caloric intake of the day.
As to replace a full meal with a bag of protein at noon ... useless to ask whether it is good or not ... Between healthy food, full of vitamins , of minerals , flavors, friendliness and a glass of good chemical protein ... it is quickly decided!

How to Overcoming fatigue smoothly?

You know that tired latent raging in the morning upon waking. The heavy legs , drooping eyelids, the impression that the whole day will be difficult ... This fatigue that lasts for weeks, and even keep you awake? Among the best methods to get out: increase its daily activity. It goes through the sports , or take the children to the pool , to join his favorite store on foot ... In short, a little strenuous activity but in any case more important than before.
Following 36 people still tired but having no disease, U.S. researchers have found that people practicing a gentle physical activity (walking) or sustained (aerobic)
several times a week had a 20% increase in their energy level . But among them are those whose physical activity was less intense that recovered the most energy.
We often think that some sports will really finish us when you feel a little tired. When in reality it is the opposite! Exercise, even very moderate, gives energy ... and it's cheaper and more effective than coffee or a box of vitamins !

Is tea good for us Benefits of taking tea?

I always thought that the beginning of March was very conducive to good resolutions last. We review the January down and we return to our fundamentals.
On a "welfare", a simple resolution would increase the consumption of tea! To everyone at any time of the day ... Sipping tea can easily reach drink 1.5 L of water per day and provides more antioxidants (especially green tea). Studies have even shown that drinking green tea every day in the long term (decades anyway!) Could reduce the risk of cancer.
And if stimulants do not suit you, there's always tea option - or infusion to make more stylish! Drainage, revitalizing, good for sleep ... this is the same as for tea, decoction each a small effect wellbeing.
Finally make a tea that is also a moment of relaxation. We put the kettle on, we think of something other than the job until it heats.

Very socializing, tea is also a good time where you can share a bag of jasmine tea for example, against a spoonful of Christmas tea with a colleague ...
And unlike the intense coffee consumption, nobody will accuse you of being super stressed at the office, even after your fifth cup of the day!

What is Listen cannabis, still operating?

At a time when the Minister of Health launches health plan for young people, it is worth remembering that in terms of cannabis addiction, a major campaign of prevention and information had been established with the following:
Listen Cannabis: 0811 91 20 20 - 8h/20h - cost of a local call
The site cannabis and driving
Promoting cannabis consultations in hospitals and clinics approved. Since then, no new official data on the use of cannabis in France.
Recall, however, that cannabis is carcinogenic and it contains more harmful substances than tobacco. While some think it is not a lever drug "harder" like heroin or cocaine consumption remains controversial. Intoxication, to hear better music, euphoria ... such effects are seen after smoking a joint, but to varying degrees and sometimes not at all.
The real danger, often ignored by teenagers is the effects of cannabis on the psyche. Consumed regularly and on time, cannabis can lead to lower overall motivation. The substance simulates the "feeling of reward" in the brain: the teenager who smoke often does need to learn his lessons, play sports or talk with friends to feel good. Cannabis may cause a withdrawal, and a vicious circle of dependence in 10% of situations. In this case, a psychiatric care is needed.
Finally, there is also the famous "Bad Trip" or acute intoxication. These tremors, vomiting, and cold sweats are signs of excessive consumption of product. However, no link with an overdose! There is no case (listed) death by cannabis.

Change your shoulder bag to healthy bag!

It was all his 'hand bag'. Right or left, the perfect harmony between the shoulder size and bag conformable. Search the bus card, key or phone, it's done in half a second, and always on the same side of the same hand agile.

And if you change your side bag? Armpit left instead of the right? Cavalier in the right size and not left ... By regularly changing your bag side, you first balance the muscles of the arms, shoulders, back and abdominals. Especially if you are followers of the trend "huge bag to put my life in it," where each day the oblique, latissimus dorsi and deltoids shrink one side, favoring small-to-the appearance of a small scoliosis, or disc space narrowing.

And if that was not enough anatomical analysis to change your habits, you should also know that changing the side bag can increase the coordination between the legs and arms. Walking or cavalant the stairs, one is able to get his phone in 5 different pockets
while identifying the tube lip cream that is open at the bottom, and the quick recap ... before the fifth ring of the phone of course!

A equal to the left and right speed, you're a champion of coordination! To you dance classes, karate or tecktonik!

Return to sport,What to do First day?

Every day, find a board, using a small boost to resume regular physical activity , and increase the energy of your body.

This day is an opportunity for muscle toning, history regain consciousness with his body, and start the week smoothly.

Start by installing standing before a mirror, open the feet shoulder width apart. By opening his arms wide to the top of the head, inspire strong. Inflate your lungs and pull the arm as high as possible. Then release all the muscles of the arms while exhaling loudly.
Repeat this as many times as you want at any hour of the day. This little breathing exercise restores energy to the body and relaxes the muscles of the back and arms.

And in the same way, but this time lying on the floor, knees together on the chest, inhale pushing the feet toward the ceiling. And release the legs folded on the chest while breathing.

These two exercises are designed to take body awareness and increase lung activity.
These exercises also serve to identify the body part that would need to be worked on. Difficulty opening his arms wide on the sides? It may be necessary to strengthen the back. Difficult to stretch the legs? It may be stiff legs and yoga or stretching would do the most good.

How to return to sport?Soon, a program

It's a little lot of everyone, wanting to play sports, but never have the time or the courage. To curb the famous metro-work-sleep hard, I offer from next week, daily tips for resume physical activity slowly keeping the pace of life every day.

Movement of muscle building exercises to do at home, office or car. A gradual rise in order to feel better, to his heart and muscles work.

Feel free to share your questions and objections that prevent you from me return to sport. Good weekend everyone!

Wednesday 11 September 2013

The United Nations against drugs and trash people

The stars of the drug they have (finally) the worry about? Peter Doherty stoned, Lindsay Lohan drunk output nightclub, Amy Wine house unable to complete his concert ... The trend of trash people very relayed in the media reacted to the United Nations.

The observatory drug use of the international institution has just announced its disagreement with the connotation that give some glamor to the media completely irresponsible attitudes. Their conduct risk is too hyped, and their abuse rather severely punished eventually. According to these experts, the younger generations are very impressionable and often want to be like those people that make the tabloids.

"If they are wrong, they must be punished" summarizes briefly Philip Emafo, the department head of the UN drugs. And Wham!

At the same time there is still no police near the United Nations strolling around the Hollywood Hills ... But it's always good to disagree!

How to Lose weight by working her heart?

When you do a search amaigrissiment, BMP heart is one of the most accurate indicators. Understand Beat Per Minute, or heart beat per minute.
The heart is around 50 to 80 beats per minute at rest and maximum rate is 220 minus their age. For example, for a man of 35 years, his maximum heart rate is 220-35 = 185 bpm.
To burn fat, it is necessary that the body draws its energy from fat. And this is possible when the heart rate is around 60-70% of the maximum frequency. For our example is: 65% x 185 = 120 bpm.
Therefore this man of 35 years, eliminate fat when undertaking physical exercise that will lead to having an average heart rate of 120 bpm.
This is quite low as heart rate. It will be a little hot, and will hardly breath. But the advantage is that after 30 minutes, the body will draw its power directly in fat, and that this intensity, it may extend the period for a long time ... 1:30 say!

At the rate of two times per week physical activity to 65% of maximum heart rate during 1:30 will decrease rapidly waist circumference, waist hip or thigh practitioners!
PS: heart rate is measured with a heart rate monitor purchased in a sporting goods store, or by hand, taking his pulse for 15 seconds (then multiply by 4) and this every 10 minutes.

How to Optimize my tanning best?

"I use tanning booths tanning because it does not work on me!"
Terrible phrase I quote texting, immediately raised by my curious ears to a coffee table. Is it just bad faith? Or tanning can they really refuse to color certain people?
Research, investigation, investigation ... I found the answer!

Why not tanning it would take this lady? Because she certainly applies right after the shower! Of course!
The active ingredient DHA tanning named on the list of ingredients in creams turns when he meets the right parameters. And it must include a pH only acid, such as the skin. Excluding soap shower gels and other cleaning products have a basic pH, which remains on the skin for a while. That's why it would take an hour or two after the shower before applying the self-tanner.

Otherwise, you can always opt for a shower gel or soap without soap.

What is Best program of my exercis?

After attacking the legs, is now trying to tone the body's center. Have strong and firm abs can beautify his posture and absorb shocks that could occur in other sports ( running , horseback riding , tennis ...)

Here is an exercise could not be more simple: the board.

- A flat stomach first, place your elbows under the shoulders. Resting on the tips of the foot or on the knees if you do not feel attacked, then lift the buttocks toward the ceiling to align the feet, knees, shoulders and head.

- No pyramid! The basin is close enough to the carpet. And most importantly, continue to breathe all the time of the board. The more you breathe, the more you work the abdominal. particular the transverse abdominal, one that goes around the waist, which makes keeping the viscera and the sheer size.

- Try to take 30 seconds. Then repeat once or twice. Then, repeat the heating learned earlier this week exercises to relax the body and mount the energy in all members.

Does this program makes you exercise more? Do not hesitate to give us you

Is Chinese Ginseng Cure,is it works?

For nearly three weeks, I gobble every morning two small capsules Ginseng . I started the treatment with tea, but palpable effect, and had then opted for a slightly more expensive solution: the dietary supplement .

And the results are quite positive. I sleep better, wake up still tired yet but the energy is more readily available. I feel a renewed enthusiasm and dynamism in my body, it's really nice!

Is he alone is responsible for this improvement? No way to prove it, but my life has not fundamentally changed in recent weeks.
Only way to know whether ginseng was the key element of this energy boost, is
to stop and take check whether the drive falls.
To be continued ...

Tuesday 10 September 2013

How toTone my leg before Return to sport?


Feel its more muscular legs and toned is encouragement to do more intense and regular physical activity.

To beef up the legs precisely, here is a very simple exercise to perform. After you briefly heated through exercise explained yesterday, electroplate your back against a wall. Advance just feet in front of you and bend your legs. A little bit. Holding back against the wall, head and heels on the ground.
Then bend your legs a little more and a little longer, until you find the thighs parallel to the ground.
Very important: the heels should be placed below the knees. The knees do not go beyond the toes. In fact, it is necessary that the calves and thighs are at right angles.

It's difficult, yes, but this exercise muscle calves, back and front of the thighs, glutes, abs, and the small muscles between the vertebrae. Very complete so!

Reassemble by pressing the heels, back against the wall, and walk around. Then repeat this movement as many times as you want, ending with a return to calm with the same exercises as warm-up.

Tomorrow, you will feel some soreness in front and behind the thighs and calves can be. But delighted to have a little muscular legs, you might choose the stairs instead of the elevator, to continue your momentum. And this is the most important! See you tomorrow!

Resumption of sport,The legs still active

So what? A little achy or not at all? After breakfast drive muscle yesterday, we actively recovers.

The aim of the day is to make light work endurance to circulate the blood in the lower limbs, and activate the heart and lungs. Thirty minutes of cycling or 30 minutes of walking (really) fast, or 30 minutes of swimming pool: the challenge of the day.
No time? mmm ... not so sure!
Find 30 minutes in the day to increase physical activity is often more personal motivation and the time that actually happens. Earlier in the morning, or at lunch time, get off the bus one stop before his ... There is a lot of opportunity to spend some energy, even in the daily grind.

And if you decide to follow this program is to improve your lifestyle, and it still requires a little personal investment.


Monday 9 September 2013

What is sleep debt,Are you sleep debt?

People in debt sleep are those the average number of hours of sleep per week is less than 90 minutes on the average need. It covers ¼ of persons under 30 years, and 17% of the general population. Most often, this lack of sleep for the inhabitants of the Paris agglomeration.

Why these people do not they get enough sleep? There is no scientific criterion to define this "sleep debt". It is rather a feeling of sleeping less than they should have. But overall, this lack of sleep is real because people sleep debt would lose the equivalent of at least one night off per week (approximately 7:30).

To enable sleep well, INPES (National Institute for Prevention and Health Education) recommends several measures:
- Create a calm and soothing environment;
- Avoid overly stimulating activities before bedtime;

- Adopt regular sleep schedule and rituals promoting sleep;
- Abstain from exciting after 17h.

We quickly understand how these four rules are violated every day by young people living in a large metropolis. A noisy apartment, a conference on Internet Chat with 4 friends at 23h, soft drinks during dinner or sport until 21h ... All the reasons are good for poor sleep!

Sunday 8 September 2013

High heels for shapely legs!

Why heels are they fine leg? Because by forcing the body to hold only on the front foot, they require a contraction of lower limb muscles to maintain balance. These muscles: calves, or more specifically the twin muscles that originate at the bottom of the femur and ending in the famous Achilles tendon that draws the ankle. Beware, however, wearing high heels is not without risk
... To raise calves naturally, and without the risk of twisting the ankle, it is enough to lead 5 minutes each day. Leaning on a wall mount 30 times on the edge of the feet. To increase the difficulty, up to 30 times on one foot, then the other 30 times. All is well keep her tight stomach not to arch your back. In addition, the calf i
s made up of high-powered muscles bear the brunt of the body permanently. So like any muscle, the more weight is to lift heavier, it swells. Therefore, another way to reduce the tower leg is to lose weight . The muscles are less intensely sought shall Slim along the waistline.

Some best tips for our health!

Today, my virtual coach Activia give me some tips to move on in life everyday. - Go get bread on foot ; - Prefer the stairs to the elevator or escalator (that we have already spoken); - Get a bus, tram or metro earlier to finish off ... - Shopping in the city center; - Prepare the spring installing planters from his balcony; - Engage in a large household beginning of the year; - Leave your car for short journeys and to walk or bike , it is better for you and the environment; - Take advantage of the first free trial sessions to discover your next sporting passion ..... - Mount the stairs two by two. Make sport a little all the time throughout the day, it's finally possible! A requirement to do a fairly brisk pace anyway.
Basically, to enable the heart pump, it is necessary that the activity gives hot after 5 to 10 minutes. Otherwise, increase the intensity. And activate blood circulation is a good way to act on the intestinal transit, as the intestines must work harder to give to all the energy it needs organization. 3-2-1: move!

Bluefin tuna fish,attention to mercury!

In a recent article in the New York Times, a sushi restaurant on 4 was pinned for serving sushi tuna with mercury levels were very high. Warning, this metal is highly toxic to the body. Mercury is a poison for the heart beyond 50 micrograms per week for adults, but well below this limit for children or pregnant women .
Once introduced into the food chain as a result of industrial discharges pollutants, mercury accumulates in the bodies of fish and those who ingest them. As a predator, wild tuna eat smaller fish and poisoned and accumulates large amounts of the heavy metal ... before being himself eaten in sushi.
In the case of the Japanese restaurants, it was mostly red tuna Blue fin tuna, a wild fish caught in the Mediterranean, the Bay of Biscay and some tropical seas.
It is advisable to eat tuna farming (for which the power was controlled by the health services), and does not exceed 1 to 2 servings of wild tuna per week ... And sushi are not the only ones affected, since cooking does not eliminate mercury.

how to increase physical activity when you live in a big city

how to increase physical activity when you live in a big city
Who has tasted the Activia muesli? I thought it was delicious, it was the first time I tested this cocktail of grain to vary the yogurt kind of morning. So I did try two other colleagues who loved too. In short, a revelation! ;-) Apart from that, the coach explained in email of the day how to increase physical activity when you live in a big city. It is true that it is not always easy, but the idea of ​​stairs is rather interesting. For a whole day, do not take the elevator or escalator, often a matter of challenge. Moreover, I noticed that there were more people in the subway stairs Monday morning on weekends ... phenomenon of motivation to approach the weekend? But upstairs is really possible! Unlike the USA, France there is always the good old stairs that line the escalators and the number of towers is quite limited. It does not waste time, and it is true that this
activity can help improve digestion. In short, the stairs there is nothing to throw away! Tomorrow I am doing stairs all day! Who is with me?

the virtues benefits of canned Vegetables

No time to cook vegetables? Think canned ! From time to time, they fit perfectly in the menus of a balanced diet . The conditioning time is fairly short and canned vegetables offer more vitamins than those that wou
ld have kept more than a week in the fridge ... Indeed, canning (canning) is less aggressive than boiling water. This is a cooking method that preserves the vitamins and fatty acids of vegetables. Finally do not completely eliminate the "juice" boxes. It is very rich in minerals and vitamins. Just remember not to add salt to other foods of the meal. And enjoy! ;)

Using the Ginseng tea, no change!

15 days ago, I decided to start a course of ginseng tea. By this I felt a little tired , and that several scientific studies praised the invigorating this root had caught my attention. But as dietary supplements are quite expensive, I opted for tea with ginseng .
After 15 days with about 2 cups daily, the result is not very convincing.
Has anyone ever tried it? Is it maybe just a matter of patience?
Anyway yesterday I found supplements rather cheap in a supermarket. So I think I'll complete with tea
capsules. And within a month it will be better ... To be continued

How To stay hydrated!besi tips

"When the desire is there, is that your body is already dehydrated . " This is the phrase of the day sent by the coach  . To avoid being dehydrated, try to drink regularly throughout the day. We can provide references as: - At each meal, drink at least three glasses of water; - Drink a glass of water up to help restart; - Drink at least one glass of water or tea, or a tea in the morning and in the afternoon ... During
physical activity, the body spends a lot of water to produce energy and to ensure a stable temperature (through sweating). The sports teacher and advise to drink one glass of water every quarter of an hour of
sport, or 1 liter per hour, in addition to 1.5 liters daily. To prevent stomach cramps, drink small sips. In short, do not drink the Japanese:

Benefits of strong fiber Foods!

The best allies of transit, are of course the fiber ! These are plant molecules that the body can not digest, but slipping in the intestines, taking the rest on their path, and thus accelerating the transit . Nutritionists recommend a contribution of between 25 and 30 g of fiber per day. An amount not always easy to achieve, as 100 grams of vegetable greens not bring that 4-6 g. Fortunately, there are plenty of other ways to get fiber, and email of the day sent by the program Activia gave me lots of ideas for the caddy this week:
- A small handful of almonds (20 grams) is about 3 grams of fiber; - A handful of dried apricots (20 grams) is more than 2.5 grams of fiber; - An apple is 2 grams of fiber; A plate of white beans side dish (100 grams) provides 8 grams of fiber ... So to wake up a lazy transit and improve your digestive comfort, consider the fiber! The folder " Eat Fiber ! " , you'll find plenty of other tricks to add these essential foods to your menus!

Saturday 7 September 2013

IS Sport prolongs the youth?

According to a very serious study by a team of researchers from King's College London, Sport prolongs youth, or slows aging ... it's a bit like finally. By comparing the DNA between true or false twins, he realized that the people involved in physical activity of at least 2:00 cumulative per week had a 10 times less DNA older than their sedentary brother or sister. That adds points to the famous '30 minutes of brisk walking ever
y day. " How can sport preserve the body so blatantly? Scientists can not really explain. However, they know the harmful effects of oxidative stress on psychological body cells. But the sport is known for its ability to remove toxins and alleviate stress . QED Luckily, from next week, the blog welfare organizes a program of preparation for winter sports , with exercises to do at home, in a park or in the gym. A makeover gratis somehow!

The importance of long lunches for health!

Chew, take the time to enjoy, this is the first step in digestion . All the senses be awakened to transmit messages to the stomach to stand ready. Food is broken down into small pieces and the action of enzymes in saliva that began the work of the stomach is facilitated. all this ensures digestion and transit without false notes and thus prevent small internal disorders. It also helps to listen to your body and stop eating when not hungry. Early satiety signals are sent about 20 minutes after starting a meal. In addition, food preparation has its importance. Know what you

will eat, smell the cooking, listening to children lay the table, enjoy the presentation of the plate ... all this information prepare the digestive system and hormonal sure you understand the meal. So this Sunday we made a small stab at ... and to find an easy recipe, try the side of revenues that users have already tested and evaluated for you!

Healthy Good restaurant menu choices!

Here is the menu choices at the restaurant. To reduce the problems of small strain , you will focus on dishes rich in fiber , vitamins , iron and starch : - Inputs based salad: sliced ​​mushrooms and nuts and salad; - Dishes with starchy accompaniments: a pad rump or fried veal liver with boiled potatoes with parsley; - Dessert fruit cooked or raw: assorted citrus slices, salad, fresh fruit, baked apple, a fruit tart, prunes in red wine Okay for the fruit tart ... but provided it is not a lemon tart (very creamy) or a tart tatin (ultra-sweet) especially since they are often accompanied by meringue or whipped cream .. . mmmmh! What is certain is that after a lunch like that, you do not risk a sudden drop of 15.00. It is everything you need: fiber , carbohydrates, protein, a
little fat . After that it should just be able to resist or even ignore some quips jealous colleagues who order steackfritesaignantsauceaupoivre ... But the game is really worth it, since the end of the day will be more satisfactory than the digestion fluid is!

How to Slimming the waist with oblique?

The abdominal obliques are really the supreme of a thin waist muscles. And it is true that car, on the subway, supermarket or even bicycle, they are not specifically working! To draw a belly hourglass shape, nothing like the side boards. Olala, now, I imagine the faces! Yet the movement is very simple. - Lying on the side (on a gym mat is better for the hips). - In support of the knees and forearms. The elbow under the shoulder. -
Inhale. Then blowing, buttocks off the mat to align the head, shoulders, pelvis and knees in a nice diagonal. - Hold 30 seconds, while continuing to breathe. - Then like a pancake, do the same thing on the other side. It is also possible to build on his feet and off the knees, but the movement is restricted to confirmed because it can cause back pain. On lap is already good. At the rate of once every two days, the belly should tone in a few weeks