Only hinders the price! It should already have an iPod. Then a pair of Nike Plus, where you can insert a small chip adaptable to Ipod ... also pay. Result of the operation: 300 euros minimum.
To improve your results and be part of a community of runners, you can also log on Jiwok . A website created by two sports enthusiasts and in partnership with Jogging International, CREPS Montpelier and Polar (watches calculating the heart rate). Their goal: to provide training for beginners to advance riders, but also regular and confirmed. All this for free!
The principle is simple. Just have a mp3 player of any brand. Then, depending on
the level and purpose, the rider can download workouts adapted and transferred to the reader. Shoes laced and motivation at the top, he goes running to the sound of Jiwok session. In the ears of the standard house or techno and voice coach of music to tell when to speed up, slow down, stay the course ... In short, an additional motivation. Then it is possible to record the sessions that will be listed on the statistical tables.